The Dark Ages - 3D Environment

Progress Screenshots

Progress Screenshots

Muddy Ground Material - Substance Designer

Muddy Ground Material - Substance Designer

Detail Shots

Detail Shots

The Dark Ages - 3D Environment

My first real dive into environment art, 3DS Max and UE4. Finished on 12/9/19.
I wrote an article on EXP about this piece - please check it out if you're interested!

This project centered around a concept created by the amazing Vladimir Manyukhin.

So many people provided thoughtful critique, but I'll first thank my instructors, Vincent Joyal and Scott Johnston, for weeks of invaluable insight and inspiration.
Additionally I'd like to thank Tessa Nelson, a fellow student in Vince Joyal's environment art class. An amazing artist and lab buddy.
Lastly I'd like to thank all of the people who attend/have attended Champlain College, and provided any constructive critique on this project, especially Michael Manfredi and Matthew Dismuke for their ongoing feedback.